Monday, December 27, 2010

Vinyl Records Won’t Go Outdated With More Individual Collectors

Some individuals find overwhelming delight in collecting items that they find both valuable and fascinating. Every now and then, collecting of items for a leisure pursuit is similar to riches expended in order to increase the cache that one recently owns – and this facet remains to be not understood by some. Some music enthusiasts share out a parallel fascination of collecting vinyl records that has been deemed as the typical example of the music industry in the past, and an existing evidence that music continues to spin despite the overwhelming changes throughout decades.

Previously admired vinyl records are on the verge of its impending termination. The hottest albums and songs recorded on vinyl will continue to be an all time choice. There appears to be an endless passion, of which every now and then is rekindled by the well-defined sound of vinyl. That is why devoted fans of this recording medium have never given up their affinity regarding these vintage records in spite of the passing of time. As digital platforms are obtaining outstanding fame, vinyls are aforesaid to be coming close to being outdated – an idea intensely opposed by vinyl collectors.

A few individuals erroneously deemed that vinyls no longer exist but with record sales still perceived at the moment, there holds no truth to such claim. Opportune vinyl record resurgence has renewed the declining industry of small music hubs. Because music in vinyl is known to be of better-quality quality, having renewed fidelity towards this recording medium is indeed undeniable. Even those who have not witnessed the zenith of vinyl records like those younger audiophiles who have joined the bandwagon of vinyl record compiling. There seems to be an overpowering lure that pulls people’s awareness towards a form that is not even suitable to the technological setting of the present time.

In spite of the promising reputation and usefulness that modern media bring, archaic vinyl records remained and persevered to be accepted by all generations. Playing vinyl records on gramophones is turning out to be unviable and that justifies why technologically-advanced gadgets that are handy by nature are more preferred by the majority. Right here and now, audiophiles from all walks of life continue to set vinyl records apart from the pool of recent audio formats due to the brilliant sound potential that can never be duplicated by any other digital equivalents.

If you are considering on starting your own vinyl collection, you must be absorbed in evaluating their worth even before you obtain a vinyl record from the nearby record shop. Compiling vinyl as a leisure Interest that demands effort and money from you. By running a comprehensive evaluation of their worth, you are definite to make the best educatd decision when it comes to this investment.

Monday, December 20, 2010

When Technology Brought About Vinyl’s Gradual Demise

Loving music is common to most people. Even before several scientific developments, people have developed a particular love to music. Even if the populace is mainly filled with qualms and rapid changes, music goes on to be one of the few things people love.

At the times of yore, before the birth of digital technologies, there was a preferred medium for popular jazz music reproduction, a flat disk manufactured from petroleum-based plastic – jazz vinyl. In the twentieth century, functions of recording and playback units were converted from the earlier wax-based systems to the modern versions in vinyl medium.

Rapidly sensational vinyls suddenly made wax-based cylinders outmoded. Vinyl records become so phenomenal throughout those times for motives other than reproduction and storage. The artistic purpose of vinyl protective coverings and sleeves were maximized by musicians for profitable opportunities.

Music makers utilized vinyls to make a recording of their music that were later advanced for business in the international markets. Achievement was unstoppable for the music industry with more people recognizing a varied setup of music replication. But as a result of the developments in technology, those in the music arena had to move on to keep up with the needs of the society. Sadly, the flimsy nature of records in vinyl ended up to be their untimely undoing. Vinyl easily breaks, that is why people see it to be of less sensible worth.

To deal with the quandaries related with vinyl records, new items were made available in music hubs and record outlets. Durable cassette tapes made their debut and swiftly gained the favor of the people in the 1970's. The growing esteem of cassette and cassette player qualities were paralleled to design and convenience by people.

A cassette tape is pretty smaller as compared to a vinyl disk but it’s highly capable to store various songs tracks. People can ably store their recordings and music in cassette tapes. The length of play of this music medium lasted for quite long with more and more people resorting to this format for recording and music playing.

Years after, the masses’ devout attachment to cassette tapes was defied by the innovative breakthrough of compact discs. It became the new medium in producing songs, recordings or even videos. Song recording kinds of large quantities that can’t be done in cassettes or vinyl is possible with compact discs.

These days, though rock vinyl has turned out to be outdated by some other recording medium, there are those that yet made them in small amounts for amateur rock performers who are holding on a close budget and for concert singers who use vinyl records for distinctive scratching effects. Moreover, music fans persist to compile these records for they prefer the old-time sensation of hearing an organic yet more perfect classical sound echoed by vinyl.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fixing Record Album Scuffs

Reverberating a unique quality sound are LP record albums of then and now. Music fanatics find LP records a priced product and this fact holds to both the young and old generations. Even before compact discs were christened, LP records or vinyls were the principal format of music recording. Moving the music industry by charisma, music makers and fanatics evenly share the endless love of having songs recorded on vinyl.

According to research, there are millions of people who still retain, and listen to LP records. A raio of the population also keep LP records yet never really like to listen to them. As some hold LP records as pure fad and others of high value, invaluable vinyls would remain eternal in the arts and music industry.

Countless collectors have preserved their zeal towards records that are thought to be antiquated. Conserved record portfolios immensely necessitate fixing of substantial and insignificant record scratches. Abrasions arise out of LP records being inaccurately held and incorrectly stocked in their record sleeves. Fortunately, restoring scratches is not a totally intricate process; however it may call for a great fraction of your time.

Begin by placing a scuffed record over the turntable and play it as you normally do. Right away stop the spinning of records if problems spots and skips are spotted. Have records revolved to and fro up until you discern the exact location of record scratch. Have the needle directly put at the back of every scratch. Let the record directly pass over the record gash grooves as the vinyl is spinning anticlockwise. Next, you may play your vinyl again to make out if it has recoverd its original quality with music playing smoothly as verification. As needed, repeat the steps up until wanted audio fidelity is realized.

Continuously rooting over each and each record piece in numerous music houses, record buffs never pause until they find pieces worthy of purchase. Vinyl fans characterize a valuable item portfolio as those that have the right records in perfect condition sold at a reasonable cost. These days, it is unexpectedly difficult to pull off a perfect mixture out of the said components that is why any person looking into making little income out of record albums buy and sell should consider condition as the chief component in having an efficatious pursuit.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Vinyl Albums: Music As Mother Nature Intended

Music that is unique, as well as cover art that’s hard to find, plus a deep appreciation for the way music ought to be appreciated. Vinyl is a lost art form that some still select over digital due to these reasons. In today’s standards of music, digital is all the rage and it’s heartening to note there still exists a vinyl-loving population. Vinyl Albums continue to have its many passionate followers who avoid digital music, declaring that the fondness of vinyl sets them apart from those who proudly support the digital music format.

Vinyl Albums with their impressive cover jackets and bulkiness are not only musical documents that an individual can cooly tug around wherever he wants to go. The vinyl album was roughly the only way for persons in the past to hear the songs from their chosen musicians. Vinyl Albums meant opening that doorway towards a relationship with your music and its makers. To begin the musical listening pleasure, one has to make that extra effort. One begins by getting hold of that valuable vinyl record, getting the player out and finding the groove in the record completes the entirety of the vinyl listening process. There’s also the crackling sound that introduces each song the moment the first few notes echo in your room. These are the captivating features of listening to vinyl albums that an mp3 player alone simply cannot do, even with loud speakers.

Musical quality is ensured in each and every vinyl album. The well-defined sound of a vinyl album is very extraordinary, a rarity that digital music cannot surpass. Even the toughest rocker has to acknowledge that listening to an old vinyl album reawakens that passionate feeling to music. Vinyl shows us how we ought to revel ing our music the way it was formerly intended to be appreciated in days gone by. Keep vinyl alive and load several vinyl albums up your abandoned record stack. Whether it’s a Vinyl LP of the Beatles, Elvis, or Jimi Hendrix, it’s guaranteed that fanatical audiophiles will feel the deep tie between musician and audience with vinyl. Computer problems such as a lag in system speed or a virus will never threaten to spoil your vinyl LP since it’s not meant for hard drive stowage. Vinyl truly is worth exploring, if not for the definite musical experience and the admirable artwork, then simply for that lost bond we often feel as listeners. Give it a go and you’ll be coming back for more.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Vinyl Records: Earning Support From The Young And Old

Once again, mistakenly considered thought that vinyl and old music is the same is contradicted. The true release of high quality sounds on plates is yet a spinning wonder in current times. LP records long ago were enjoyed by a few and it continues to be increasingly favored in spite of the pressures changing in digital age. Well-timed revival of vinyl record did not only bring that redeeming quality for deteriorating music stores but it has also renewed the authentic rush of warm commitment towards undeniably superior music. nowadays, vinyl is no longer a niche item for diverse record shops, even typical audio stands have restored into the groove of black disc music.

Contrary to what is acknowledged by all, legendary vinyl records never reached an unfortunate demise at one time and perhaps never will it die in the future. Regardless of a totally fresh generation of music aficionados hooked into the digital rhythm of compact discs, MP3s and iPods, music that’s typically vinyl has never gone out of tune. In fact, the younger bunch who were not even conceived at the heyday of vinyl formats have enthusiastically joined the bandwagon of LP record buffs and collectors. Vinyl record sales are said to be owed to that distinctive experience young and old audiophiles encounter when they educe that vintage feeling ascribed to vinyls. The raw and authentic melody and uniquely approved vinyl art cover is distinctively vinyl and never experienced with digital recordings.

As it stand at present, the quality of vinyl records are entirely better than CD's if analog is matched up side by side. Because of major vinyl-record alternatives, it is becoming certain that the world is most likely not going back to strictly vinyl-formatted recordings. Vinyl suffered a near death owing to a relatively one or two or completely disregarded efforts to make them reasonably-sized, handy and less fragile.

Along with the resurgence of vinyl records is the growing demand of pressing machinery at the moment. But it is sad to note that businesses involved with producing audiophile-quality equipment have not been profitable, enough to vindicate the scarcity of phonographs and gramophones. Recreating the intense and classic sound of vinyl record is desired by one or two but because turntables have become severely high-priced due to shortage, persons find it impractical to secure them.

Reproducing typical vinyl sounds can never be pulled off by digital records, and because of this, vinyl would eternally remain unique in its form. Vinyl records continue to succeed in spite of the favorable convenience that modern media offers. Although vinyl has abruptly been forgotten with the arrival of the hottest technologies, it will continue to redeem its noble demeanor in the coming years and likely the decades to come.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Vinyl Records And Other Kinds Of Modern Media

In spite of the advent of contemporary repository media like MP3s, CDs, DVDs and Blue Ray, vinyl records are even so utilized for recording intents these days. Vinyl records have been an essential feature in the increase of music recording and they go on to be extremely well-liked up to the present. Taking the world by appeal, jazz music producers and supporters together dole out the same fervor of having their songs played on jazz vinyl.

The recognition of vinyl records stay the same despite of the distinction and usefulness of modern media. Just about idem time, where a few people are getting comfortable to iPods, web downloads and other modern technologies, there are as well some who are starting to apprise vinyl records. Earlier and recent generations are equally excited with the 60’s to 70’s type of LPs that are proven to be able to keeping longer records.

Original vinyl records are approximately 30 cm in diameter length. Nowadays, LPs are becoming characteristically attractive as a result of their different shapes and artistic designs. Vinyl records even now keep the approval of people all throughout these years, in the face of its lack of portability. Vinyl record albums will not once go outdated provided there are those who will exhibit renewed interest regarding this media design.

Currently, MP3 and compact discs are the usual recording medium for artists and groups; but some even now choose that there music be likewise recorded in vinyl record designs. These records have a tendency to adjust to the request of new listeners on account of the fact that these brands are together with the priciest compilations in the industry. Vinyl records are appealing because they do not only possess excellent sounds, they likewise upsurge in value throughout the passage of time. Business industries are advanced with the truth that different from other media format, vinyl records are unfeasible to be illegally acquired.

To break the barrier between current and traditional music listeners’ selection of media format, some companies are presenting ways to work together LP and MP3 music. Vinyl records are now come along with with free MP3 downloads so that listeners from different generations can appreciate the music anywhere and anytime they please.

Vinyl records are trending in the market at present. Rock vinyl, or any genre for that matter are noted to have heightened in sales as well as in market value.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The LP Record Trend Reawakened

They say an LP record is a thing of the past –it certainly is!. Before the onset of CDs, LP records served as the major format of audio recording. An LP or gramophone record has a typical 10-12 round shape. The popularity of LP records has been revived in the 21st century and until this point, they are still getting recognition from everyone.

Based on study, it was found out that across the world, there are still millions of individuals who have, and are still listening to their LP records. Several LP record owners don’t listen to them any more. LP records, being a feature of the advancement of music, should be provided appreciation despite them being a bit antiquated.

When LPs first emerged in the market, they are able to withstand a 45-minute recording stint that is to include both sides. Modern LP records give 26- minute limited audio time before being turned over to the other side. Used mainly to record Broadway musical albums, LPs have been improved over the years to make better sound quality and allow longer recording time. Technologies have been implored to improve the quality of LP records specially in sound technicalities and permissible recording time length.

As contrary to CDs, vinyl record albums are more vulnerable to abrasions, and an abrasion on an album is equivalent to popping sounds every revolution. With that being said, keeping and packing of LP records have been an increasing concern for sellers. Shoppers demand for scratch-free record albums, so LP records should be treated to be fragile and maximum attention is necessary.

Sellers are faced with a more challenging task – that is how to ship LP record albums. LP record is once again becoming prevalent so more and more people are expected to get them.

The delivery of record albums is commonly charged $4 a piece; this applies to all media mail that consists of anything published and recorded like CDs, tapes, books and records. Select trusted shipping companies to save on expenses and be assured of secured distribution. For media packages to be sent within the same nation, it takes the maximum of 14 days.

Monday, November 8, 2010

How To Store Your Vinyl LP Collection

Stowing your vinyl LP collection is really critical specially if you’re a serious vinyl LP collector. You don’t only need to maintain the vinyl itself, but also the album covers. Ensuring that your albums don’t get marred while they are being kept calls for accurate stowage. Vinyl albums are really sensitive that improper storage can scratch them. But you don’t want this to happen to your vinyl albums, so pick from among different storage options to stow your collection properly.

On top of the list is a record cabinet by Atocha. Even though this is really expensive, it is entirely custom-made to hold vinyl albums, making it more suitable to arrange and store the albums. Depending on your collection, whether they are composed of 45 records, CDs or LP records, you can have your record cabinet specially assembled to hold a specific type of record or almost your entire diverse collection.

Your second option will be to buy shelves which are specially sized for LP records. These shelves are custom-built to contain the weight and size and of the vinyl albums. The shelves have a size of thirteen inches to hold one vinyl record and there are also thirteen inches splitting each shelf. Storing your entire collection of almost a thousand vinyl albums is not an issue with this stowage option; plus, removing a vinyl album from the shelf is very easy.

Your third and last choice will be LP stowing chests. You can make sure that your vinyl albums will not be subjected to air, filth, and daylight when stored in these boxes. These boxes can even store your entire collection in a small space since you can just pile one box on top of the other. In addition, cases are the cheapers storage option for your vinyl LP collection and you can procure them in different kinds of materials. There are cases made of word or ridged plastic. But then again, don’t stow your vinyl albums in cardboard boxes as they are not sturdy enough to accommodate numerous records for a long period of time. This is because when the cardboard chests get scratched, your vinyl albums and album covers will also be marred.

There you have it. Whatever stowage option you select, whether it’s the high-end Atocha record cabinet or the inexpensive LP stowage cases, you’ll be certain that your vinyl albums will be stowed safe and sound. What’s crucial is you keep the condition of your vinyl LP collection.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Various Varieties Of Modern Vinyl Record Turntables

Although vinyl records and turntables have been invented a number of years ago, they are far from being out-of-date today. The production of vinyl albums and turntables have enhanced thanks to the revival of the former. The recently fabricated turntables are at one with other recent musical platforms. The turntables comprise CD burners and players within them; this allows CD playing and burning CD copies of vinyl albums. You will also get a full AM/FM stereo system with your turntables. You'll be guaranteed of outstanding sound quality from your turntables, due to the modern technology these days.

For the standard music lover, there is the traditional turntable for you. It doesn’t play or burn CDs and doesn’t have a full AM/FM stereo system. But you'll get this at a much reduced cost, but with the same first-rate sound as the other version. This model is a genuine memento of the classic days of the vinyl albums. As opposed to acquiring worn out archetypal turntables, you can now acquire new ones in its classic design.

There is also a USB turntable that permits you to transfer your vinyl record to MP3, iPod or other modern formats. If you want to have it all, then this version is for you. This can make superb sound quality recordings effortlessly and rapidly. It's so trouble-free that you just have to plug the USB cable into a PC, laptop, or an iPod and then you can burn as many reproductions of your vinyl albums. This will make certain that you'll always have copies of the songs in your vinyl records, particularly those that are rare.

The final kind of the present turntable is the drive version. These types are said to generate marvelous copies of vinyl records. Then again, this model can truly be expensive. It's awaited that quality is tantamount to price, but it will be a good acquisition if you need to convert scores of vinyl records. You can't tell a recording if it's the original or just a drive version reproduction.

With all the various vinyl record turntables made today, there is certainly a turntable for you. There is no limit with what you can do with the modern turntable versions. Now, saving vinyl albums has never been easier and more effectual.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sustain The Luster Of Jazz And Rock Vinyl

Vinyl records are really fragile that’s why they should be held with delicate hands. Jazz vinyl and rock vinyl will only observe the shifting times by way of accurate cleaning, handling and storage. Don’t you want to still be able to play your jazz vinyl and rock vinyl albums after so many years? If you take care of them, it’s achievable.


Don’t set a dirty vinyl album on the turntable or back to its sleeve. Dust and other can easily find their way on the grooves of the album, much more if you haven’t listened to it . To forestall skips, ticking noises and eternal scratching, frequently clean your albums. Is there a proper technique to get rid of the muck and filth on jazz vinyl or rock vinyl records? All you need is polish it with smooth, lint-free cloth moistened with distilled water. Polish in circular movement from the midpoint of the grooves to the edging of the disc.

Include the stylus of the turntable while you’re cleaning the vinyl records. It also needs to be replaced every now and then.


Our body produces natural oils, and together with the grime and muck, they could cling to the albums if they are not handled tenderly. Don’t let this be the grounds of the variation in the sound quality of the album. It just takes a little extra measure when holding jazz vinyl or rock vinyl like wearing cotton gloves or handling it in the midpoint or at the perimeter.


When you’re done listening to your jazz vinyl or rock vinyl, ensure to store it correctly. Don’t forget to cover it with its wrapping and sleeve prior to returning it to the sill. Never leave it sitting around naked on a table or the floor as this could gravely damage your vinyl records.

Improper storage is not exactly a vinyl album’s best friend, just like dust and muck. Have a metal sill or a specifically designed record storage rack to keep your albums in a vertical edge position. Since vinyl records are very delicate, keep them away from direct daylight, heat vents or hearth and other similar locations.

If you aspire to make your jazz vinyl or rock vinyl maintain its sheen for as long as possible, you only need to do these three things. These are just some simple things you can do for your own vinyl album collection.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Want To Bring In Some Dough? Market Your Old LP Records

If you have a collection of old LP records, you could sell them to vinyl record collectors and make money for yourself. But then again, don't envisage that all of them are worth that much, but some are. How can you become an LP record dealer? Effortless. But first, you need to do a couple of things to become one.

1. Search every corner of your home where LP records could be veiled. Gather together the records for more household room and extra cash. LP records, 78s, and 45s could be valuable. The more albums you can gather together, the better.

2. Don't forget the law of supply and demand. The rarer the album, the more valued it is. Don't envisage usual records to be the same; many have copies of them. Deliberate the performer, the label on which it was recorded, or an oddity relating to the record; whether it's out-of-print or bootleg.

3. Examine the condition of the record. An album could be "mint" or "near mint" or it could be a lower grade. Does your album belong to the higher grade or the lower grade? Uncover it.

4. Don't take the content of the recording for granted. There are different kinds of musical recordings that will determine the value of the albums. Do you have jazz albums, original Broadway cast and movie soundtracks, early rhythm and blues records and the doowop sound albums? You can command a higher value for these records. If you have classical vinyl records, you could claim a higher rate for orchestral performances, solo instrumental, chamber music and concertos, solo vocal and operatic arias, and complete operas. The sort of musical recordings is not the only feature that will set the rate for your records. Collectors will also consider whether it's a mono or stereo record.

5. Find the appropriate buyer. Seek individuals who appreciate LP records more than anything. They are collectors, mail order dealers, used record stores, audiophiles, and individual music lovers. For very unique record albums, expert dealers would know where to resell them for greater yield. Collectors are always on the trail of a very unique album to add to their collection; your piece could be next.

6. Do your preparation. This will direct you how to establish the worth of your LP records, particularly if they're very rare.

7. Structure your record albums. Take time to organize your albums in accordance with performer, title, record catalog number and condition. A record would make it easier for you and the buyers to do business.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Where Is The Best Place To Get Your Hands On Valuable Vinyl Albums?

A resolute vinyl albums collector is always on the look out for a rare collectible. You should be set to pay the rate for a valuable vinyl album. Don't constrain your search to the familiar places, but it is in the most unexpected places where you can find those that are unique but cheap.

A vinyl LP's worth depends on the artist, album, and form. The Internet is your complete source of vinyl albums. Where else can most specialist record stores be found? Only on the Internet. These stores have an extensive variety of albums; cruise through their site, you might discover what you're searching for. Then you can compare different shops to discover the best deal of first-class vintage vinyl records. Prior to purchasing the record, do a characteristic and genuineness check first.

In the Internet, you can also discover online auctions for rare vinyl LPs. The most popular online auction site is eBay. You might want to take a scrutinize what they have. Although eBay auctions all sorts of stuff at a truly cheap rate, they also have vinyl records for grabs. Participants on eBay comprise of individual dealers and album store owners. It means more vinyl albums you can choose from Thus, the more albums available, the less expensive they become; the law of supply and demand applies to this. But, don't rush into procuring something on eBay since there is no guarantee that it's in good condition and is an authentic piece. Ask queries about how your item will be sent to you. But, if you want to be sure that your record album would arrive in one piece in your hands, buy it from a dependable album store online.

They say that it's in the most unexpected places where you can discover something prized. Charity stores and garage sales are a couple of examples. These places don't always have something that will thrill you, but you'll never know. Make your album shopping here worthwhile. It is in these places where haggling is the name of the game. However, because these shops sell second hand or hand-me-down items, always examine the condition of the entire record of marks and tears, and hear it first on a record player prior to procuring it.

Wherever you may go to uncover the next vinyl LP, continually ask as many queries about the record as possible. It's better to be safe than sorry; so make certain that the product is valid and in good condition.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How To Get The Best Price On A Vinyl Record Purchase

As a fervent collector of vinyl records, you want to multiply your collection by purchasing them wherever they are obtainable. This can be from garage sales, auctions, private sellers or even the Internet. Not all dealers are upright enough to make a clean transaction. Be wary so you don't end up in the record dealers' pockets.

1. Don't be in a flurry to make a purchase. Before you do so, a little reference check and authentication will not hurt. There are a lot of online reviews from other collectors. Take time to research them specifically if you're not sure about the integrity of the record dealer. Each record dealer should have a return policy. Don't omit this when you purchase a record; you'll never know if you'd need it.

2. Do a double reference for sellers who only reply to Want to Buy ads. They are not always on the vinyl record market so you have to be extra vigilant about them. If you want a dealer who could offer you quality service online, then choose dealers who have their own websites.

3. If you are not sure about the legitimacy of the record, get the trader's phone number and request him to play the record on the phone prior to buying it.

4. Credit or check is better than cash. These are easier to trace than cash or money orders. The postal system is a safer medium to send money orders or checks or if you pick either of this mode of payment. Make a COD deal with your trader; just make sure to pay the charges yourself.

Checking and selecting the dealer is just the first part of purchasing vinyl records. You still have to think about how to ensure that your product gets to you in one piece. You don't only select the trader based on his references and reviews, but also how your product will be delivered to you:

1. Always buy insurance when using the postal service and request for a merchandise receipt from the postal service. As a proof that your record buying went smoothly until the very end, the postal service will send back the card you've signed to the dealer.

2. Expect that the dealer will mail your vinyl records in fitting sized mailers and pads. They must be mailed with extra protection like shredded paper, Styrofoam peanuts or other packing materials. If the record dealer wants to save on packaging costs, he has the choice to utilize air-popped popcorn for extra stuffing. It's not only economical but safe for the environment also.

Shopping for vinyl records online can be done safely and in the right way by remembering these few things. More importantly, you can ensure yourself that you only receive the best quality vinyl record at the most reasonable price. Although some vinyl records can be expensive than others, but if you know how to make a good buy, you'll get it at a cheaper price. Don't be the next victim of vinyl record fraud; protect yourself.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How Much Is My Vinyl Record Worth?

You have a huge vinyl record collection and decided to sell some of them thinking that they're worth a great deal of money. If they are in good condition, they probably are valuable; if not, they are just plain old and are not worth even in your own collection. How much a person is willing to pay another person or business for that specific vinyl record is the worth of the record. However, there are many factors and variables to consider putting value on a record. A 50-year old vinyl record of the most famous band or artist in poor condition won't command a good resale price compared to a week-old record in mint condition.

In putting value to the record, the condition of the vinyl records is the supreme determining factor. Although there is no standard in grading and appraising vinyl records, but the "Rockin' Records" price guide, written by Jerry Osborne has been a widely accepted grading method. According to this method, the vinyl records are given a certain grade as to their condition:

Mint (M) - an absolutely perfect recrod in every way - to allow for a tiny blemish or flaw, this record would be considered Near Mint, which is the highest grade used in the Osborne price guides and what the prices in the record guides reflect.

Very Good (VG) - records in this condition should have a minimum of visual or audio imperfections that do not detract from your enjoyment and listening pleasure. After this grade, you may see a plus or minus.

Good (G) - this grade may mean the record is a good enough copy to fill a gap in your collection until you can get a better copy. This record will show obvious signs of wear and tear and play all the way through without skipping.

Lower graded vinyl records, unless they are the rarest of the rare, are not worth much.

Osborne also suggests a ten point grading scale and some feel that this system allows for a more precise description of the record than the mint, very good, good scale. The scale is as follows:

10 - Mint

9 - Near Mint

8 - better than VG but below NM

7 - VG

6 - better than Good but below VG

5 - Good

4 - better than Poor but below Good

3 - Poor

2 and 1 - why bother adding these to a collection?

Again, the most critical factor when buying and selling is the condition of the vinyl record. Find a trustworthy seller or buyer and ascertain which method he is using to assess what he has for sale. But the condition is not the only factor in appraising vinyl records, there are other factors involved such as: scarcity, demand, history, artist or group, LP jackets, inserts, picture sleeves, the year of release, the record label, and stereo vs. mono. As long as you know the value of your vinyl record, vinyl record collecting can be a fun and lucrative hobby or business.

Preserving And Perfecting Your Record Collection

In those stolen moments one can find to enjoy the clean, warm sound of a vinyl album, the crisp highs and thundering lows can transport a listener to a musical nirvana - and we're not talking about the band. And while those precious minutes are what music fanatics and audiophile the world over live for, are you getting the best sound possible from your vinyl collection? All it takes is a few simple steps to ensure you hear the music the way it was meant to be heard.

The key to preserving your vinyl album collection is to take the best possible care of your records by keeping your albums cleanly stored to avoid distortion. Your vinyl records should be kept vertical and in a stable, climate-controlled environment. Both will prevent warping from pressure and severe heat. Routine maintenance on your turntable is also recommended, including a thorough inspection of the weight and condition of the stylus. Staying aware of these apparently trifling conditions will keep your collection sounding like brand new vinyl records for many years to come.

In order to maintain the fidelity of new vinyl albums, it's particularly significant to thoroughly clean the albums. Although a lot of people will debate the best and most efficient means of cleaning your albums, all will agree that some form of cleaning is necessary in order for your records to sound the best they possibly can. Not taking care of your new vinyl albums and playing the records when they are dirty is one of the easiest ways to damage your precious collection.

While dusting is a need, take caution also: There are many materials that can cause damage to your new vinyl albums. This includes oils that can gather from fingerprints, air pollutants, grease, soot, and of course ordinary household dust. Dust is widely considered to be the most common source of damage to new vinyl albums. The dust can work its way into the grooves of your records and cause distortion in the sound of the rock vinyl or jazz vinyl, or any vinyl album. Dirty records will produce the irritating ticks and pops so common on abused older vinyl albums. Experts strongly recommend that you clean new vinyl albums before every play. To utilize a circular motion in the same direction as the grooves is the most effective way to clean an album.

Other cleaning methods include using a cleaning brush while you play your new vinyl album on your turntable. To buy vacuum machines is yet another method for a thorough cleaning.